Heartbreak… Let’s face it, we’ve all been there. Maybe you were dumped, diagnosed with a life threatening illness, suffered loss, financial downturn, or simply gave in to fear. It’s that moment when you feel completely numb, isolated and alone, desperate for something or someone to give you faith. My own heartbreak and battle with heart disease led me to create Voices To Share… Healing Hearts One Voice at a Time. Together we'll banish self-pity, and invite prosperity in all matters of the heart. As a Heart Coach, I will share: inspirational stories that will give you courage, tips to shift your fears into love, recipes and products to live a heart healthy life.


Guidelines for sharing your story…

Writing is cathartic, especially when you relinquish all judgment of yourself and just put
pen to paper. Voices to Share is looking for personal journal entries so don’t worry about
grammar or spelling, just write your journey and thoughts. The stories can range from
one paragraph to a few pages. It’s really what you feel most comfortable with.

The most important thing is that you are as open and honest as possible. Please write
about a situation that has impacted your life. I’m certain there are several moments and
events that have shaped you, so please feel free to contribute more than one story.

Some questions to keep in mind when you write:

1. You want to evoke similar emotion in the reader so they can really connect to your story.

2. Take one event that has shaped you and describe it from the moment you heard to
what you’ve learned about yourself in the process of coping.

3. The story should only be 300 to 1000 words.

4. Finally, how can you help others who are dealing with the same situation? How has the crises made you a better person?

5. Is there a motto you lived by?

Additional items:

1. VTS needs your full name for the release of your stories, text, photos or other information, but VTS will only publish your first name and your location. If requested, VTS will make all reasonable efforts to publish your stories, text, photos or other information anonymously. However, VTS makes no guarantees and VTS is not liable if your first name and location are mistakenly published.

2. Photo are so powerful. Please send a jpeg of a photo that speaks to your story to voicestoshareblog@gmail.com.

3. Don’t write this like a term paper. Relinquish all your inhibitions and write like a journal entry. Stories should be raw and filled with emotion.

4. Personal motto or quote – If possible, please include a motto or quote that speaks to you and helped you cope.

5. Resources – Were there any online sources, books or support groups that you would like to share with other women dealing with a similar situation?

Contact Information for All Submissions:
Voices to Share
Attn: Amanda Daniels

Disclaimer and Terms of Submission.
Thank you for sharing your story with VTS. By submitting stories, text, photos or other
information, you are hereby agreeing to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of VTS. If
you have not reviewed the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of VTS, please do so before
submitting your stories, text, photos or other information.

VTS Terms of Use
VTS Privacy Policy

Be sure to keep a copy of the stories, text, photos or other information that you submit
to VTS. Please do not contact VTS and ask us to send you a copy of anything you have
previously submitted. VTS is unable to do that.

Thank you again for sharing your voice!